FYE Chats

Library Lowdown

Episode Summary

Not only is the library a breathtaking campus building to look at, it is filled with resources to help you take your classes to the next level. On this episode, we invite an AUS librarian to share all the secrets about making the most of our incredible library.

Episode Notes


Instagram: @auslibrary

Librarian Contact Information: 


Librarian Student Workers:


Episode Transcription

Erica: You’re listening to FYE Chats, an AUS podcast, where we have candid conversations with fellow AUSers who want to see you thrive during your first year. Today, we’re chatting with Ms. Rhonda, who works as an Information Literacy Librarian in our AUS library.

Welcome to the show, Rhonda. 

Erica: If anyone hasn’t seen it, the library is absolutely stunning to look at. But it is so much  more than just a pretty building! Can you share a little bit about the types of resources that our library has available? 

Rhonda: Absolutely, the library has tons of resources available for assisting students with research and coursework. We have the usual types of resources you would expect from a library like print books and journals, but we also have an extensive collection of ebooks (or electronic books) and other online resources that students can access from anywhere in the world.

Rhonda: The library also has a collection of subject and course guides—we often refer to them as libguides—that are created by librarians with selected books and journals, and even websites we think are useful for researching particular subjects. We even have some that are made specifically for courses. So, for example, students need to take an Arabic Heritage course and we have created a subject guide specifically designed for that course. We also have guides designed to help students with citing sources in their papers! 

Erica: Sounds so helpful. Arabic Heritage is a general requirement for all students, so I hope our listeners are taking notes! 

Rhonda: All of this can be accessed through the library’s website, so I always suggest that students  bookmark the library’s homepage so it’s easy to get to.

I think it’s important to note that the library also has a collection of popular reading books and graphic novels as well, and even movies that can be checked out, so it isn’t necessarily just all about coursework! There are also options for leisure as well!

Rhonda: But, Erica, beyond the regular resources you associate with libraries, one of the library’s greatest resources is the librarians and other library staff! We are dedicated to helping students throughout their time at AUS.

Erica: Um, yes! With that many resources, it sounds like it would be pretty helpful to talk with a librarian. Especially because our AUS librarians are really the best. 


Erica:    Most students think of the library as a quiet place to study, maybe with friends...but we know the AUS Library is so much more than that. What are a few specific ways that the library can support students with their coursework? 

Rhonda: The library is here to help students navigate the sometimes-overwhelming tasks of research. We have a dedicated Help Desk staffed with knowledgeable librarians to help students with all of their research needs, whether that’s choosing the right resources or if they need help picking the right search terms, or understanding whether a resource is right for their assignment. Students can book appointments online, or when the library is open, they can swing by the library’s Help Desk, which is located on the Ground floor of the library. We are happy to sit down with students--whether virtually or in person--to help them with their research, citing sources, and to even solve some technical problems they may be having. We have also just recently launched a chat service as well, so students can quickly hop on the library’s homepage and chat with library staff.

Erica:That’s awesome! Quick access, even when students are doing late night research. 

Rhonda: We also hold a variety of workshops throughout the semester to help students with tasks like choosing a research topic, finding statistics for their research, using citation software like Endnote Web, etc. We are happy to take suggestions and hold workshops on anything students feel would be helpful!

Erica: Hmm...I’ll bet we’ve got some creative first years with good suggestions. Now, even though I’ve been at AUS for quite some time now, I feel like I keep learning fun surprising things about the Library! What are a few unique and possibly unexpected features of the AUS library? 

Rhonda: Here is our top ten!

·        We have a recording studio. Students can book a time in the studio and record podcasts or presentations or anything else.

·        You can book study, media and presentation rooms online. These are especially popular with students.  

·        You can check out a laptop to use in the library.

·        We have auto-renewals so your print books are automatically renewed for you.

·        The hanging stairwell feature in the library was designed and installed to absorb noise.  

·        We are open approximately 99.5 hours per week, and students are also able to contact librarians for help during weekends.

·        You can have an online chat with a live person.

·        We have a Scan and Send service where students and faculty can request scans of print book chapters or print journal articles to email upon request and within copyright guidelines.

·        We have a Click and Post service where we will send print books through Emirates Post for free to students and faculty living in the UAE.

·        We have AppsAnywhere available for faculty and students living off-campus in the UAE: This app allows users to access the AUS computers and programs off-campus.

Erica: Clearly this is no ordinary old-fashioned books only library. With so many different ways to use the library...it can seem a little overwhelming! Is there anyone who can help first-years navigate the library?

Rhonda: Absolutely! This is what we do best! We have library tours during orientation week that can help students familiarize with the space and library services. We also have a video tour that highlights these features. There is a library chat service available on the homepage that students can use to quickly chat with library staff online. There is the Help Desk on the ground floor of the library staffed with librarians and library staff available to assist students. We also have request forms online where students can make an appointment to meet with librarians, either virtually or in person. There is always someone available and happy to help!

Erica:  I believe the library is one of the few places on campus that will hire second semester first-year students! What types of student employment opportunities do you offer?

Rhonda: Yes! Our student assistant program started in 2007, and we have employed many, many students since that time.


Rhonda: We have--on average--35 Student Assistants working for us each semester (when the library is open of course). There is a full training program available. Some of the tasks of the job include:



Students may also be assigned to shifts at the Help Desk or in Technical Services based on their computer skills. Help Desk responsibilities include carrying out routine equipment checks and rounds, assisting library patrons, and trouble-shooting computers/printers/copiers etc.


 Rhonda:Hiring takes place only at the beginning of the Fall semester and occasionally at the beginning of the Spring semester. Applications are accepted from 2 weeks before classes start to the end of the first week of classes.

Erica: Sounds like a really awesome opportunity for students looking for on campus work. I’ll link more information about this in our show notes. 

Erica: Hopefully we’ll be back on campus and students will be able to experience the physical perks of the library. Will you tell us about your favorite spot?

Rhonda: My favorite spot is wandering through the stacks on the second floor. I love walking through the aisles of books and marvelling at all of the knowledge that’s there. Anything you are interested in: art, astronomy, physics, literature, religion, poetry, politics...you can find all of it in the library. From ancient philosophy to the most recent technological and scientific breakthroughs. I just love that! I could spend hours just wandering around and picking up books and reading little bits here and there.

Erica: Sounds like a movie. I hope our students take some time to wander the stacks before they get too busy! 

Erica: Lastly, we ask all of our guests: What is one piece of advice for first-years?

Rhonda: The one piece of advice I can give to first year students is to find something interesting and relevant in everything they are studying. If you have to choose a research topic then choose something you are interested in or invested in. Something that’s meaningful to you. If you have to take a required class that you aren’t particularly thrilled about taking then find something interesting or relatable in the class. If you are invested even a little bit it will go a long way in making the experience meaningful and something you will enjoy. 

Erica:  Yes!! Such good advice- that makes university life so much more fun. 

Erica: Thanks for sharing so much about the library with us, Rhonda! 


Erica: I hope you enjoyed chatting with Rhonda today. You won’t want to miss the Library tour during orientation. Be sure to follow us @ausfye for updates on resources and services like these. Thanks so much for listening to our show. See you next time, on FYE Chats.