FYE Chats

Center Stage with AUS Performing Arts

Episode Summary

This episode has me starstruck! Two very talented performing arts students share their experience under the spotlight at AUS. Whether you are a seasoned performer or a closet show er singer, there is a place for you in this amazing program. If you listen through the end of the episode, there is a special musical treat you don’t want to miss.

Episode Notes

Performing Arts Webpage

Performing Arts YouTube Page

Follow them @performartsaus

Performing Arts Faculty Contact Info: 

Anthony Tassa- Director of Performing Arts: atassa@aus.edu

Albert Agha - Arabic Music Ensemble: aagha@aus.edu

Sherri Weiler - Voice: sweiler@aus.edu


Episode Transcription

Ms. Erica: You’re listening to FYE Chats, an AUS podcast, where we have candid conversations with fellow AUSers who want to see you thrive during your first year. Today, we’re chatting with two students that I would consider celebrities on campus. 

We are so excited to have you on the show today, Katia and Vighnesh. 

We’re excited to be here! 

I am personally a HUGE fan of the AUS Performing Arts program and feel so honored to be chatting with such talented students!

  1. To start, would each of you share a little bit about what your talents are and how you get to use them in this program? 

Vighnesh - I love to sing and act. I have developed these two talents over the years, and continue to do so in the Performing Arts program. In terms of singing, I have taken applied voice lessons, sang in recitals, AUS choir and Arabic Music Ensemble. With regards to acting, I have taken a variety of theatre courses that are offered in the program and I have also been a part of many AUS productions since Fall 2019, which is when I enrolled in the university. 

Ms. Erica: That’s right! I love that you were able to get involved right from the start! How about you, Katia? 
Katia- Like Vignesh, I too have a passion for music and acting, and I’ve also taken applied piano and voice lessons, sang in the AUS Choir and AME, and acted in a theatre production. I also took a costume design lab where we were learning how to sew the outfit for the theatre production, but unfortunately that got suspended due to covid. 

  1. If you’re listening and that seemed like a lot- it really is! Katia is actually a graduating senior, so she’s really had a chance to make the most of the program. 

Now, Because we don’t specifically have any majors in the performing arts, this is something students actually do either as a minor or a hobby. What is your main area of study and how do you balance both? 

Vighnesh - My major is BA English Literature. Honestly, I do not find any trouble in balancing both because I try my best in making sure that both worlds collide more often. Since I am doing literature, it is common to come across stage adaptations and drama and you inculcate that knowledge to the program. Analyzing literary works is parallel to how singers interpret and perform their songs. I am actually proud to have been able to make my major and minor work alongside each other.

Katia- I agree with Vighnesh. I’m an International Studies major with 2 minors in Economics and Environmental Policy, and being involved with the PAP doesn’t hinder my performance in my major but rather enhances it. Having a creative outlet that I’m passionate about and allows me to express myself artistically is definitely re-energizing, and I can channel that energy into all my work. So, it’s a very natural balance because that passion exists alongside the willingness to put in the effort. 

Ms. Erica- Wow, I love that you’re able to see the connections between your studies and the arts! So cool. What are some of the other benefits of being part of the performing arts program? 

Vighnesh - The performing arts program is a family. Students of different majors unite under the umbrella of being able to express themselves. The program is an all fun, no judge zone, where you are praised for success, criticized for failure but never ever made fun of or ostracised. Another benefit would be that you gain a renewed sense of appreciation for the Arts. Being able to witness breathtaking performances is an entirely different experience altogether, now imagine being a part of it? Being the one who delivers the performance? That is the beauty of the program.

Katia- Personally, being part of the PAP completely changed my AUS experience and my life for the better. Like Vighnesh said, you meet amazing students and professors that become a second family to you, and you create amazing memories together. Also, I think the performing arts teaches you how to be comfortable with vulnerability and find strength in it. When you’re performing, whether that’s theatre or singing or piano, you’re exposing yourself and your emotions to the people around you, and that can be very scary, but it can also be extremely rewarding.

Ms. Erica-Sounds amazing. Now, let’s say I’ve never performed in my life- but I’m interested. Do you need to have had any prior experience to take part in any of the shows or ensembles?

Vighnesh - Open mindedness, commitment and a strong work ethic are all you need to take part in shows and ensembles. Having talent is one thing, but putting the work in and being determined at every step of the way is key towards a successful performance. While some have experience, I personally know people who joined in shows and ensembles for the first time ever and as a result of maintaining an energy of being open to a learning experience, the performances delivered were phenomenal.

Katia- I absolutely agree with that. Other than singing with my church choir a couple of times when I was eight maybe, I had no prior experience with the performing arts before AUS, but I knew music and singing were things I wanted to explore if given the opportunity. I remember being completely clueless when I first started with the AUS choir because I had no idea how to read sheet music, but I put in the work and dedication to learn, and a semester or two later, I became the Alto section leader.

Not a surprise- it is hard work, but totally worth it. For a first-year wanting to get involved, how would you recommend that they get started?

Vighnesh - Just take the leap. There is no secret formula. There is no training montage music playing in the background. It is a leap of faith and the rest is history. I personally took that leap in Fall 2019 and I am ever so grateful for having been a part of the Addams Family Musical, and established myself as a staple ever since. Always stay in the loop. Befriend people in the program. In no time, you will be surprised at how far you reach.

Ms. Erica- Vighnesh is being a little humble here- but he was one of the stars of the Addams Family, even as a first year!  

Katia- I wish I got involved with the PAP right from my first semester, so I encourage anyone who is having thoughts of getting involved to immediately do so! There are so many avenues you can explore depending on your interests, whether that’s piano, solo or ensemble singing, acting, theatrical makeup, stage design, costume design, and I believe they are bringing back Oud and Buzuk Classes and Dance Styles for the stage!. Last thing I would say is never hesitate to ask your professor and other students for help when you need it. We’re a family, and we’re all there for each other.


Ms. Erica- - Katia, I’m sure you will be so missed in the program! 

We are all hoping to return to campus soon- and hopefully we’ll get to see some in-person performances that we’ve missed so much. But you guys have also done some incredible work through the online platform. What has been your favorite production during distance learning? 

Vighnesh - My favorite online production has to be “Edgar’s Gorey Tales.” It was the first time we were charting out an online production and the experience was very insightful. 

Katia- And my favorite one was this semester’s Soiree Musicale production, specifically the AME. I loved making music that connected me to my roots with people who were bubbling with passion.

Ms. Erica-That’s awesome! These are actually available online, so I can link them in our show notes! 

Lastly, we ask all of our guests: What is one piece of advice for first-years?

Vighnesh - Never shy away from participating in anything because you feel you are not good enough or you are not a senior. The students at AUS are the most supportive bunch of people. Especially Katia, she had been vital in inspiring me to pursue a variety of activities and she is proof that the more you involve yourself in activities that nurture a positive growth in you, the more fruitful the successes that come your way.

Katia- Aw, thank you Vighnesh, that means a lot! And yeah I would also say try to get yourself out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself when you can, and don’t let intimidation get in your way. You’re only at AUS for about 4 years, so take full advantage of all the resources and opportunities that it provides you to develop yourself and your interests. And ask for help when needed!

Ms. Erica-Those are amazing tips. If you’re looking to get involved, I’ll include a few key faculty emails in the show notes. Don’t be afraid to reach out. 

Ms. Erica-Okay, actually one more thing- I never ask this to guests- but I think you both might be the best talent we’ve had on the show so...would you be willing to sing something on the spot? 

singing here 

Ms. Erica-Wow. I love that so much - what a great note to leave on. No pun intended. 

I hope you enjoyed chatting with Katia and Vighnesh today. We’ll link the resources mentioned to our show notes. Be sure to follow us @ausfye for updates on resources and services like these. Thanks so much for listening to our show. See you next time, on FYE Chats.